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Investigation of recycled waste containers and verification of recycled marks and facilities

The objective of this project was to plan the expansion of listing scope in plastic containers & packages, to push for the monitoring management of beverage chain stores, to enhance the recycling rate of fast food chain stores, and to design supporting measures for de-listing high reused value or unsuitable containers. By way of collecting relevant references, database, Customs data, network information, questionnaire, etc., this project hold good in the usage amount of raw materials of plastic container package in enterprise and non-enterprise sectors. Meanwhile, this project also deduced the estimated import volume of non-enterprise rejects. Besides, in order to propose the Scheme of Withholding Fee, this project explored relevant key points shown below: (1) evaluation of feasibility on the Scheme of Withholding Fee, (2) implementation difficulties on revenue and expenditure of Recycling Management Fund, (3) study of historic references about the scheme of withholding fee, and (4) discussion the new scheme of withholding fee. The scheme of withholding fee within Recycling Management Fund contains (1) the adjustment program of the unstructured revenue and expenditure, (2) the income collection mode which regulates raw material industry with fixed percentage of total production or total sales revenue, and (3) the expensed mode on how the Stabilization Fund to be subsidized. Except for this, until the end of December 2010, this project has fulfilled 385 cases of the Determination on Specified Containers as well as the improvement of mislabeled clean supplementary and biscuit packages. The project had finished counseling and appraising 15 fast food chain stores from Sep 29 to Oct 26, 2010. Details of the task included recycling facility installation, guidance, recycling treatment & other sophisticated approaches, and encouraging fast food chain stores to attach importance on recycling work continuously. At the same time, we have accomplished the declaratory system for fast food chain stores, which could help entrepreneurs declare recycling weight every month. The project has completed the evaluation report of de-listing waste iron, aluminum, PET, and paper tableware. In addition, we not only planned supporting measures of de-listing but expected benefit analysis. Eventually, we proposed the draft of de-controlled policy note, the suggestion about revision on relevant rules, and the assessing indicator for resumption to be due recyclable items.
Raw material for plastics, Fast food chain stores, De-controlled